A web series following the adventures of Colt Ford while out on the road with Florida Georgia Line on their "Here's To The Good Times" 2013 tour.
Colt Ford's Website: http://www.coltford.com
Colt Ford's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/coltford
Colt Ford's Twitter: https://twitter.com/coltford
Florida Georgia Line's Website: http://floridageorgialine.com/
Florida Georgia Line's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/floridageorgialine
Florida Georgia Line's Twitter: https://twitter.com/flagaline
Average Joes Entertainment website: http://www.averagejoesent.com
Average Joes Entertainment Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/averagejoesent
Average Joes Entertainment Twitter: https://twitter.com/AverageJoesEnt