CNN Commentator Angela Rye Calls Trump ‘Your President’ During Heated Debate

2017-07-17 1

On CNN Monday, network commentator Angela Rye expressed her discontent with President Trump by referring to him as “your president” multiple times.

On CNN Monday, network commentator Angela Rye expressed her discontent with President Trump by referring to him as “your president” multiple times.
The former Executive Director of the Congressional Black Caucus appeared alongside former Republican Congressman Jack Kingston, and they discussed Donald Trump Jr.’s controversial meeting with a Russian lawyer. 
After Kingston brought up an allegation against the Democratic National Committee, Rye said, “No one should be receiving information to overthrow or to thwart election results. Absolutely. But right now, we’re talking about your president. That’s the problem.” 
Later in the segment, Kingston tried to dismiss the Trump Jr. meeting-related allegations against President Trump as politically motivated, but Rye responded by saying, “He went into a press conference during the summer [last year] asking Russia to find the other 30,000 emails. There are a lot of things that your president has done to defy logic. Let’s at least acknowledge that.” 
Kingston said, “Your president, too, Angela. Your president, too.” 
Rye shot back, “Well, he’s your president.” 
Host John Berman chimed in, he’s “the president of the United States.”
After the appearance, Rye continued to stand by her position; she tweeted out a Hill report about her refusal to acknowledge Trump as her president and wrote as a comment, in part, “I encourage everyone to do the same.” 
Rye has been a vocal critic of the current administration, even blasting the president and first daughter Ivanka Trump for their approaches to families and women.