McCain’s Surgery Will Delay Senate Votes on Health Care Bill

2017-07-17 0

McCain’s Surgery Will Delay Senate Votes on Health Care Bill
WASHINGTON — The Senate will delay votes on a bill to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, announced Saturday night,
because of a new obstacle to winning enough support for one of the Republican Party’s most cherished goals.
Mr. McConnell said that “while John is recovering, the Senate will continue our work on legislative items and nominations.”
But congressional aides, lobbyists and state officials said Saturday night
that Senate leaders should rethink their strategy after being forced to postpone consideration of the repeal bill, which opinion polls show to be highly unpopular.
Mr. McConnell said the Senate would “defer consideration” of the bill, scheduled for this week, because Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, would be absent, recovering from surgery
that he had on Friday to remove a blood clot above his left eye.