Séance du 19 juin 2017 : Exposé de Christopher Béné (CIAT)
"Defining and measuring resilience: recent progress in the context of food security interventions", dans le cadre d'une séance commune des séminaires sur la sécurité alimentaire de l'UMR Moisa et du séminaire de l'UR Green
Summary: The presentation reflects on the challenges that we face when trying to define, measure or use the concept of resilience in the context of humanitarian and food security interventions. Conceptual frameworks as well as empirical examples will be used to present and discuss some of the main progresses that have been done on this issue in the last 4 to 5 years.
Biographie: Chris Béné is Senior Policy Advisor at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) based in Cali, Colombia. He has 15+ years of experience in inter-disciplinary research and advisory work focusing on poverty alleviation, vulnerability and food security, initially through the analysis of the socio-political economy of natural resources, more recently through resilience analysis and evaluation of vulnerability reduction programs in relation to disasters and climate change. He was a member of the FAO/WFP Technical Working Group on Resilience Measurement and was involved in the establishment of the Resilience Measurement MEL Community of Practice currently supported by the Rockefeller Foundation. At CIAT he leads the Sustainable Food System Initiative. He has a PhD in Environment and Life Sciences from the University of Paris 6, and a post-graduate Diploma in Development Economics from the School of Development Studies at the University of East Anglia (UK).
La présentation de Chris Béné est en anglais, les commentaires et questions en français et anglais.