Trump Fires Back At ‘Most Inaccurate Poll’ That Shows 70-Year-Low Approval Rating

2017-07-16 12

President Trump has fired back after a new poll showed that he has “the lowest six-month approval rating of any president in polls dating back 70 years.”

President Trump has fired back after a new poll showed that he has “the lowest six-month approval rating of any president in polls dating back 70 years.” 
On Sunday morning, Trump tweeted, “The ABC/Washington Post Poll, even though almost 40% is not bad at this time, was just about the most inaccurate poll around election time!” 
In fact, according to an ABC News report about the survey, “Just 36 percent of Americans polled...approve of Trump’s job performance...The previous president closest to this level at or near six months was Gerald Ford, at 39 percent, in February 1975.”
The results represent a downward trajectory for Trump who scored a 42 percent approval rating in April; much of the six point decline appears to have shifted to the disapproval column which increased five points to 58 percent from three months ago. 
Among the 1,001 American adults who were surveyed for the poll July 10-13, the president’s leadership on the world stage and his ability to negotiate with foreign powers were called into question. 
Meanwhile, the controversy surrounding his administration’s ties with Russia continue to dog Trump, with 63 percent calling the recently reported meeting between a Russian lawyer, his son, and others during the campaign “inappropriate.”
However, the news was not all bad, with the Washington Post stating that “The president’s strongest assets continue to be the healthy economy and a view among many Americans that the Democrats do not have a coherent message or program in opposition, other than opposition to the president.”
His declining approval was also not as noticeable among Republicans, who still appear to be largely supportive of the job he is doing, in contrast to Independents and Democrats. 
The statistics site FiveThirtyEight has found that his adjusted average approval rating across various polls is still low but slightly higher--at 39.1 percent--compared to the ABC/Post survey. 
Trump has taken aim at other polls in the past as well, tweeting back in March, "Just heard Fake News CNN is doing polls again despite the fact that their election polls were a WAY OFF disaster. Much higher ratings at Fox."