20170611 Trinity Sunday 2017, the Sunday after Pentecost

2017-07-16 17

220170711 Trinity Sunday 2017, the Sunday after Pentecost
Further info to be added soon.
1. John Piper's comments on the Holy Trinity
2. Jon Thurlow @ International House of Prayer Prayer Room nd - Soothing Worship Music
3. BWV 599 Nun Komm Der Heiden Heiland (Now Comes the Nations' Savior) prelude & chorale
4. BWV 600 Gott durch deine Güte (God through thy Goodness) prelude & chorale
5. BWV 601 Herr Christ, der ein'ge Gottes Sohn (Lord Christ, the only Son of God) prelude & chorale
6. BWV 602 Lob sei dem almächtigen Gott (Praise be to the almighty God) prelude & chorale
7. BWV 609 Lobt Gott, ihr Christen allzugleich (Praise God, ye Christians all as one) prelude only
8. BWV 610 Jesu, meine Freude (Jesus my Joy) prelude only
9. BWV 611 Christum wir sollen loben schon (We must praise Christ already) prelude only,
a. alto melody emphasized, b. full version wo alto emphasis
10. BWV 613 Helft mir Gottes Güte preisen (Help me God's Goodness praise) prelude only
11. BWV 615 In dir ist Freude (In thee is Joy) prelude only
12. BWV 640 In dich hab' ich gehoffet (In thee have I hoped) prelude only
13. BWV 642 Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten (Who but the belov'd God lets guide) prelude only
14. BWV 129 Cantata: Gelobet sei der Herr mein Gott (Praised be the Lord my God) - Ton Koopman & Amsterdam Baroque
15. BWV 176 Cantata: Es ist ein trotzig und verzagt Ding (It is an obstinate and desperate Thing with all Men's Hearts) Ton Koopman & Amsterdam Baroque