Rights groups condemn 'revenge killings' in liberated Mosul

2017-07-14 60

Those who thought the liberation of Mosul from its ISIL captors would bring about and end to the violence in Iraq’s second city may have to think again.

While some of Mosul’s inhabitants are celebrating an end to the militant group’s grip on the city, others are fearing for their lives.

Video uploaded to social media purport to show the horrific treatment of anyone even suspected of having affiliations with the jihadists who once terrorised the city.

#Iranian backed #PMF soldiers recorded brutally attacking #Mosul residents they accuse of being #IS members pic.twitter.com/3bHCu3PU3Q— FRB-I (@FRBIU) July 13, 2017

Members of the Iraqi security forces are seen shouting at and beating suspects as they sit handcuffed on the floor.

Further footage shows soldiers throwing a suspected ISIL member from a cliff before shooting the body as it lay lifeless on the ground below – a grizzly end, to an already bloody campaign.

Iraqi Militia sources parading Old & Weak Men of Mosul as surrendering ISIS Fighters & then cheering on these crimespic.twitter.com/GmmuWnGdNQ— Unchecked Report (@UncheckedReport) July 13, 2017

It is exactly as many feared at the start of the campaign to reclaim Mosul: the revenge killing of Sunni muslims at the hands of their Shia liberators.

Rights groups have already condemned the slaughter, with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights saying: “Horrific though the crimes of ISIL are, there is no place for vengeance.”

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Al Abadi, who only days ago announced total victory over ISIL in Mosul, promised a full inquiry into the killings, and said that his government would immediately begin operations to return those who have been displaced by the fighting.

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