Despite Deep Policy Divides, Europe Trip Seen by Buoyant Trump as High Point

2017-07-09 1

Despite Deep Policy Divides, Europe Trip Seen by Buoyant Trump as High Point
President Trump said that he heard firm assertions from Russian President Putin
that it is not true and that Russian authorities have not meddled in the elections," Mr. Lavrov told journalists at the summit.
Jason Miller said that This week’s trip gave the country a very clear sense of the president’s foreign policy philosophy
and reiterated the long-term objective of restoring America’s greatness on the world stage,
At times, the exchange became heated, the aide said, with Mr. Putin loudly demanding proof from a president who has himself repeatedly
cast doubt on United States intelligence agencies for declaring that Russia tried to swing the election to Mr. Trump.
that’s it," the foreign minister said. that said that he accepts these assertions —
And while Mr. Trump’s aides said he has little in common politically with the anarchists
and anti-globalism protesters in the streets of this gritty port city, they said the president intuitively understood their rage in a way that few other leaders at the summit could.
Do we have the desire and the courage to preserve our civilization in the face of those who would subvert
and destroy it?" Mr. Trump labored for hours on the wording in the address — widely praised as one of his most ideologically coherent by the conservative press — on the flight over with his chief speechwriter, Stephen Miller, and his national security adviser, Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster.