Indian scientists use drone seed-bombing to plant a forest

2017-07-06 1

BANGALORE, INDIA — Scientists in India plan to turn a dry and difficult-to-reach area near Bangalore into lush green forest by dropping seeds from drones into the soil.

The first drone seed-bombing experiment took place on June 5 to mark World Environment Day, Factor Daily reported.

Researchers from the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore will drop seed bombs on 10,000 acres of an arid hill range north of the city.

Seeds from native species such as tamarind will be wrapped in balls of manure and soil and dropped from the sky.

Drones equipped with cameras will be used to geotag the area and monitor the progress of the project.

Around a dozen native tree species have been chosen for the project, which scientists hope will help a forest to flourish and encourage wildlife to return to the area.