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Legendary Journalist Carl Bernstein Says Trump's Presidency Is 'Malignant' And 'Not Functioning'

2017-07-02 36

Carl Bernstein has called the Trump presidency "malignant" and says it is "not functioning."

Renowned journalist Carl Bernstein has said that Trump's presidency is "malignant" and "not functioning."
During a recent appearance on CNN, he said, "We are in the midst of a malignant presidency. And that malignancy is known to the military leaders of the country, it's known to the Republican leadership in Congress who recognize it and it's known to the intelligence community."
Bernstein continued, "The presidency of Donald Trump is not functioning...it's really not functioning because the character and capabilities of this president are called into grave question in a way that those who know him best are raising serious concerns about."
He also discussed the challenges journalists face while covering Trump who has repeatedly attacked the media.
The president has taken aim at CNN, NBC, and other outlets in his recent tweets.
Even at an event honoring veterans, he slammed the media.
"The fake media tried to stop us from going to the White House, but I'm president and they're not. We won, and they lost," Trump said during his address on Saturday. "The dishonest media will never keep us from accomplishing our objectives on behalf of our great American people."