May’s Brexit WALK OUT: Prime Minister could DESERT talks over EU’s divorce bill demands

2017-07-02 1

May’s Brexit WALK OUT: Prime Minister could DESERT talks over EU’s divorce bill demands
THERESA May could walk out of Brexit talks with the European Union (EU) over Brussels’ demands for a “divorce bill”, it has been revealed. A senior figure inside Downing Street briefed industry and finance heads to prepare for the Prime Minister Theresa May to walk out of negotiations in September, according to reports.The move is said to be designed to show the EU negotiators that Mrs May will take a tough stance over negotiations regarding the possibility of being handed a bill to the tune of around €100billion (£87.7bn) as payment for leaving the bloc.The meeting was held at some point after the general election was held last month with the person holding the conference having since left Downing Street in the wake of the electoral shake up, the Telegraph reported. While no formal decision has been made on whether to walk our or not, it is said to be a strong possibility.A source told the paper: “I do think we are looking to be as hard-nosed, as hard-headed and as cold-eyed about this as it is possible to be.“If any of those actions take place it will be to work towards a single objective – getting the best deal that we can.” The move is being seen as an attempt to lessen the impact on the pound and financial markets if negotiations turn sour in the coming months.However, such a negotiating tactic is unlikely to go down well with the leaders in the European Union who have called for talks to be cordial.Brexit secretary David Davis has repeatedly stated that Britain would not pay a divorce bill of €100billion but would pay out what it was legally due, in line with its rights and obligations but “not just what the EU wants”. He said: ”We are not supplicants. "This is a negotiation. They lay down what they want and we lay down what we want."He added: "We will do it properly. We will take our responsibilities seriously. What we've got to do is discuss in detail what the rights and obligations are."We have said we will meet our international obligations, but there will be our international obligations including assets and liabilities and there will be the ones that are correct in law, not just the ones the Commission want." In turn, EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier has said that while there was no desire to “punish” the UK, “its accounts must be settled”.Mr Barnier said there was no agreed figure but the UK and EU had entered into "mutual commitments" which must be honoured. "There is no Brexit bill. The final settlement is all about settling the accounts."A working group between the UK and EU is being set up in the coming weeks to negotiate the so-called “Brexit bill”.Estimates from Brussels range from €40billion to €100billion.EU officials have never officially stated a figure for the settlement but EU Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker has called the sum “substantial”.The tough line from Downing Street comes as the Government is set to announce tomorrow that it intends to withdraw the UK from the London Fisheries Convention and ban five EU nations - including France and the Netherlands - from fishing around the UK’s coastline.. 00FastNews. New source of news.
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Tags: May’s,Brexit,WALK,OUT:,Prime,Minister,could,DESERT,talks,over