Fahadh Faasil has been in news these days for his upcoming movie "Ayal Njanalla" (He is Not Me), a romantic-comedy, all set to hit theatres on July 31. Directed by Vineeth Kumar, the film also features Divya Pillai and Mridula Murali in key roles.
Though the actor's last releases failed to make much of an impact, both commercially and critically, "Ayal Njanalla" is expected to do well, industry sources said. Fahadh will play the role of a Malayali who migrates to North India to earn his bread and butter."Ayal Njanalla" happens to be Vineet Kumar's debut as a director. It also features Ranji Panicker, Chemban Vinod, Joju, T G Ravi, Sree Kumar, Akshath Singh and Dileesh Nair.
Fahadh Faasil is known for films like "Chaappa Kurishu", "Diamond Necklace", "22 Female Kottayam", "Amen", "Artist", "North 24 Kaatham" and "Akam" among others. He had won Kerala State Film Award for Best Actor for "Artist" and "North 24 Kaatham".