Angela Merkel Makes Lightly Veiled References To Trump, Warns Of G-20 Challenges

2017-06-29 8

German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke before her nation’s parliament on Thursday and warned of challenges that may emerge during the upcoming G-20 summit.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke before her nation’s parliament on Thursday and warned of challenges that may emerge during the upcoming G-20 summit, reports Bloomberg.
Though she did not mention President Trump by name, she did say, “Whoever believes that the world’s problems can be solved by isolationism and protectionism is mistaken.”  
She went on to stress that cooperation will be vital in meeting the G-20 nations’ shared goals, including those involving immigration and terrorism, notes Politico.
Merkel also addressed the importance of immediately getting to work on combating environmental issues, noting, “We want to tackle this existential challenge and we can’t and we won’t wait until the last person on earth is convinced of the scientific basis for climate change.”
While Merkel made lightly veiled references to President Trump in her discussion of difficulties the G-20 leaders are likely to encounter, he is not the only potential source of opposition. 
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish leader Tayyip Erdogan will be in attendance as well. According to Reuters, "All have strained relations with Merkel and other European leaders."
The summit is scheduled to begin on July 7 and will take place in Hamburg, Germany.