President Trump’s attorney Jay Sekulow is questioning why former President Barack Obama isn’t being investigated.
Jay Sekulow, one of President Trump’s lawyers, is questioning why former President Obama isn’t being investigated in the Russia probe.
His comments follow several reports that when the Obama administration became aware of Russia’s alleged meddling in the 2016 election, it delayed sharing that information with the public.
During a Wednesday appearance on Fox News, Sekulow said, “Why do we have a special counsel dealing with the Russia hacking when [the Obama administration] had that evidence and did nothing. Why don’t we have a special counsel reviewing why President Obama did nothing after he assured the American people; he gets intelligence briefings, but the assures the American people that Russia did not interfere with the election. He does that in October."
Trump has made numerous comments on the topic as well.
On June 26 he tweeted, “The reason that President Obama did NOTHING about Russia after being notified by the CIA of meddling is that he expected Clinton would win and did not want to ‘rock the boat.’ He didn't ‘choke,’ he colluded or obstructed, and it did the Dems and Crooked Hillary no good."
He continued, “The real story is that President Obama did NOTHING after being informed in August about Russian meddling. With 4 months looking at Russia under a magnifying glass, they have zero ‘tapes’ of T people colluding. There is no collusion & no obstruction. I should be given apology!”
The comments came days after Jeh Johnson, the secretary of homeland security during the Obama administration, testified before the House Intelligence Committee.
Johnson said that the administration was aware of the hacking prior to the election, but noted, “We were very concerned that we not be perceived as taking sides in the election, injecting ourselves into a very heated campaign or taking steps to delegitimize the election process and undermine the integrity of the election process.”