Leo July 2017 Astrology Predictions: Mars Movement Indicates Foreign Travel And Dealings

2017-07-10 5

The month ahead is as happy as can be in fact the best period of the year for you.you would receive good news from every which corner in fact what you wish for or had desired will eventually manifest.You are in a period of maximum independence and personal power, you will be able to shape and mold your life to your specifications. You can and should have your own way. Make the changes you always wanted to make now.

Astrology confirms the spiritual teachings that things good or bad- have to happen internally before they can happen externally. The internal changes happen until the 22nd- with your spiritual 12th house very powerful. After the 22nd, the internal expansion will manifest outwardly. Spending time alone by yourself will be highly satisfying and rejuvenating.

On the 6th mercury crosses your Ascendant and enters your 1st house. this shows that money (and opportunities ) pursue you. Financial windfalls happen as friends bring in financial opportunities.

Online activities prosper you would be drawing a lot of positive energy from people all over. Love remains challenging but as the Sun enters your own sign on the 22nd you will experience great improvement. You will be shining in your element and emanate a star like quality. Mars will be in your sign from the 20th onward making you strong and energetic with great magnetism. People are ultimately more attracted by your healthy energy than by pure physical beauty they love you as you are.

The Mars movement in your own sign shows foreign travels and involvement with foreigners. There is a wonderful aspect for students and achievers alike.

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Please contact me on connect@dollymanghat.com with your date, time and place of birth.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat