Gemini July 2017 Astrology Predictions: Focus On Excellence - Communication Using Intelligence

2017-07-10 3

You can expect another month of happiness and prosperity, as Mercury the ruler of your horoscope moves exceptionally fast this month- through the signs and houses of your chart. This indicates confidence, the ability t cover a lot of territory and quick progress. Health & energy remain good in spite of Saturn aspecting you.

Finances remain important and a priority this month until the 22nd. Since you are still in your yearly financial peak they remain a priority this month and you are sure to shine in these areas. The 21st looks like a particularly strong financial day as the Moon is closest to her perigee.

By the 22nd you would have achieved most of your short term financial goals. After which you can move on to your other interests communication and intellectual interests. Many people erroneously believe that finances are the be all and end all of life. But you know better, finances is important, it is means to end - but not an end in itself, it buys us freedom to do what we really enjoy and to grow intellectually and spiritually.

From the 22nd onward you will begin to experience an heavenly feeling if you have worked well in the past. the Cosmos impels you to do what you most love doing that is to focus on your area of greatest excellence : communications, reading studying teaching and using your intellectual capacity.

Do not over do anything as that can have an adverse impact on your health, it can cause insomnia and nerve problems. Use your intellectual skills, but do not abuse them.

Love looks happy though Marriage is not advisable till Saturn leaves your 7th house in December. Venus makes nice aspects to Jupiter all month indicating that you will attract opposite sex so you must enjoy to the maximum and make good use of the opportune time.

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God Bless
Dolly Manghat