Your financial planet, which has remained out of bounds since June 18th, moves back in its boundary on the 1st of July. The month ahead is prosperous. Venus a very important planet for you moves into your money house on the 5th and spends the rest of the month there. This indicates that you need to focus on your money and become more deliberate in that sphere. Remember we get what we focus on.
Personal appearance seems ultra important in earnings do not let ego come in your way of earnings. Anything that distorts a judgement can be a problem.
Mercury has been in your 3rd house of communication since June 21 and remains there till the 6th , so many of your financial trends are in effect, good marketing, advertising and PR are very important. On the 6th Mercury moves into your 4th house indicating the importance of family and family connections.
Family support will remain good. The financial planet in the sign of Leo makes you more of a risk taker - more speculative - remove fear and place it with your sixth sense. On the 26th when Mercury moves into Virgo your 5th house which makes you more confident in money matters.
Your 4th house becomes more powerful from the 20th onward when Mars moves into it, followed by the Sun on the 22nd. So your focus now needs to shift on the home front and your emotional well being.
Interestingly this helps your career tremendously. Next month the focus will become even more stronger on your domestic and emotional well being. Whenever the 4th house is strong, emotional wellness and harmony is the dominant factor in life. Everything else falls into place when emotional wellness is fine, but if there is a discord nothing much works out.
After 20th you need to get enough rest and relaxation.
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God Bless
Dolly Manghat