2017-06-28 1

In a recent interview with Larry King, celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain quipped that it was OK for humans to kill and eat animals because we’ve been designed to chase down “smaller and stupider creatures.” Never mind that cows and pigs, two animals that are slaughtered by the millions for food, are most certainly bigger than we are. It was the “stupider” remark that caught my attention, and not just for Bourdain’s obvious grammatical shortcomings.

I think many of us feel that animals are dumb; that animals lack the intelligence we humans seem to have so abundantly. I believe this looking down on animals plays a big part in what allows us to treat them in the most heinous ways — from factory farms to fur farms to laboratories to circuses. We believe that because animals can’t write a book, compose a symphony, or do algebra that we’re so much better than them.

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