Trump Advocates Jobs For ‘Minors’ And Internet Won't Let Go

2017-06-24 20

Social media has called out a spelling error in a video that was posted to President Trump’s Facebook page.

Social media has called out a spelling error in a video that was posted to President Trump’s Facebook page on Friday, reports the Huffington Post.
The captioned clip was intended to promote a rally he had held in Iowa but instead attracted attention by accidentally misspelling the word “miners.” 
As described the situation, “The video’s creator seems to have fallen victim to a classic case of homophone confusion, writing that the White House is 'putting our minors back to work' — referring to underage citizens as opposed to the coal miners Trump has championed throughout his campaign and presidency.” 
While the post seems to have since been deleted from the president’s Facebook page, social media was quick to respond to the error.
One Twitter user wrote, “They're just going to replace miners with minors. That should work."
Meanwhile, someone else said, “He meant it, Trump doesn't make mistakes he is winning."
Others were receptive of the message with comments like, "Hope he can put minors to work. We'd have a generation come up that believed in contributing to society rather than thinking they're owed."