2017-06-23 1

*rolls up sleeves* only 2? none? infinite? hmu with your thoughts.

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Chromosomal sex in mammals

Hermaphroditic (intersex) animals

The APA on gender & definitions

Meta-analysis on psychological sex differences finds only 3

In this video, Laci Green discusses the question of how many genders there are. To begin, she shares her thoughts on the controversy about the debate itself. Then, she examines two key premises that will inform her analysis and conclusions: the conceptual and biological differences between gender and sex. She goes on to discuss three schools of thought on gender: anti-feminism (gender as biology), radical feminism (gender as a system), and liberal feminism (gender as an identity). In the second half of the video, she discusses the first school of thought, exploring the anti-feminist objections to multiple genders. She then highlights where biological essentialist arguments fall short. She concludes by inviting counter points, and highlighting where anti-feminists agree with feminists, to be further discussed in the following video. She also announces more details about the first debate.