P-SB7 Spirit Box Session Three - Intriguing Responses

2017-06-22 32

Our 3rd session in an on going series where we use the P-SB7 Spirit Box \ FM AM radio to attempt real Spirit Communcation in order to learn more about the other side.

The session is performed in the Back room (Requested by one of the Spirits from the first session) at Joseph's house located in Verona, North Carolina.

Content Warning: This video contains fowl \ racists language and describes adult situations. It is uncensored. Children (especially underaged) should get they're parents permission and guidance before watching any videos from this channel.

For the best listening experience make sure you're in a quiet enviroment, use a headset and turn the lights down low. Listen very carefully.

Feel free to go back and replay the clip if you didn't hear or understand a certain part of the audio.

Keep in mind parts of the audio had to go under extensive noise reduction, amplification, reversal, and change of speed \ pitch to decypher what was actually being said.

Please comment below if you believe you heard something different then what was captioned in the video. We all hear things differently and we would like to know your thoughts.

Equipment used:
P-SB7 Spirit Box Radio (latest version from Amazon)
Sony ICD Digital Voice Recorder
TC Electronic HOF Mini Reverb pedal
Mini Donner Noise Gate pedal
EasyAcc Mini Portable Bluetooth 4.0 Speaker

For more info on our setup check out this url below:

Thank you for watching our channel and keeping an opened mind. As always Please comment and subscribe if you have not done so already.

Future Uploads and Posts:
In our next video we will show you actual pictures of what some of these Spirits look like. We have captured some of their faces using a Cannon S110 digital camera. The pictures captured are amazing and at the same time disturbing... definitely not what we were expecting to see.

Please subscribe and stay tuned for more on this.