HIDDEN AGENDA I Game Trailer I E3 2017 Trailer I PLAY LINK I PS4 2017

2017-06-21 30

HIDDEN AGENDA - Game Trailer
Release: tbd. (2017)
Platform: PS4

Hidden Agenda is the next project from Supermassive Games, the developer of choose-your-own path horror game Until Dawn. Inspired by watching players take on Until Dawn as a group and argue about what path should be taken, this new release is designed to be played solo or invite some pals in on the phone. Hidden Agenda follows the hunt for serial killer The Trapper, and allows players to make choices collaboratively by voting on the phones using PlayStation’s newly announced PlayLink technology, which lets players use their Android or iOS device to play along.

Hidden Agenda ist das nächste Projekt von Supermassive Games, der Entwickler von select-your-own Pfad Horror Spiel Until Dawn. Inspiriert von der Beobachtung von Spielern nehmen Until Dawn als Gruppe und argumentieren, welchen Weg genommen werden soll, ist diese neue Version entworfen, um solo gespielt zu werden oder laden einige Kumpel in am Telefon ein. Hidden Agenda folgt der Jagd auf Serienkiller The Trapper und ermöglicht es Spielern, gemeinsam mit der von der PlayStation angekündigten PlayLink-Technologie auf die Telefone zu antworten, mit denen Spieler mit ihrem Android- oder iOS-Gerät spielen können.

Check out my UPCOMING GAMES JUNE 2017: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5n8eq6_upcoming-games-i-june-2017_videogames

Check out the following Game Trailer:
THE EVIL WITHIN 2: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5qny1s_the-evil-within-2-i-story-trailer-i-e3-2017-trailer-i-pc-ps4-xbox-one-2017_videogames
CALL OF CTHULHU: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5qnzup_call-of-cthulhu-i-game-trailer-i-e3-2017-trailer-i-pc-ps4-xbox-one-2017_videogames
DISHONORED: DEATH OF THE OUTSIDER: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5qtqkh_dishonored-death-of-the-outsider-i-game-trailer-i-e3-2017-i-ps4-xbox-one-2017_videogames
BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL 2: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5qtw4l_beyond-good-and-evil-2-i-game-trailer-i-e3-2017-trailer-i-pc-ps4-xbox-one-2018_videogames
PRIMORDIAN VR: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5r9z4j_primordian-i-vr-game-trailer-i-e3-2017-trailer-i-htc-vive-oculus-rift-2018_videogames
E3 2017 PSVR: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5rf4ef_e3-2017-i-playstation-vr-upcoming-vr-games-i-psvr-2017_videogames
THE MAGE’S TALE VR: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5rf50s_the-mage-s-tale-i-vr-game-trailer-i-launch-trailer-i-oculus-rift-2017_videogames