Hannity Says Russia Investigation Similar To ‘Birther Conspiracies’

2017-06-21 69

Fox News host Sean Hannity is facing backlash after comparing the Russian investigation--which has been dogging the Trump administration--to the birther movement which caused controversy for former President Obama.

Fox News host Sean Hannity is facing backlash after comparing the Russian investigation to the birther movement which accused former President Obama of being born overseas. 
On his show Monday night, Hannity declared, “Democrats, members of the destroy-Trump media will not stop pushing this phony Russia-Trump collusion narrative despite no evidence. As a matter of fact, evidence now to the contrary.” 
He then introduced one of President Trump’s attorneys, Jay Sekulow, and said, “This has now become, like, Russia-Trump conspiracy, birther conspiracies, you know? Sort of truthers.”  
Hannity then cited a lack of evidence to prove that Trump colluded with Russia. 
However, critics were quick to point out that Hannity himself helped to perpetuate the unfounded claim--spearheaded in large part by Trump--that Obama was not born in the U.S.
In August 2014, Hannity reportedly said, “I actually think at this point the president wants — he loves to be a victim, I’m beginning to notice, a victim of birtherism…I just thought it was strange that he the president didn’t hand over his birth certificate like everybody else.” 
And last year, he offered the Obamas a one-way flight to Kenya, notes Politico. 
He made those comments about a month after then-candidate Trump finally admitted that “President Barack Obama was born in the United States. Period.” 
People on social media have since spoken out about Hannity’s recent declaration, with someone tweeting, “So he's saying the birther stuff was fake??? Does the president know Hannity is calling him a liar?” 
And MSNBC’s Kyle Griffin tweeted, “Sean Hannity compared the Russia investigation to birtherism (maybe he forgot who led the birther conspiracies).”