On Thursday, the Department of Homeland Security seemed prepared to extend an Obama administration program known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals,

2017-06-19 4

On Thursday, the Department of Homeland Security seemed prepared to extend an Obama administration program known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals,
or DACA, which allows the children of illegal immigrants — some 800,000 people in all — to continue to study and work in the United States.
The United States has too many people who don’t work hard, don’t believe in God, don’t contribute much to society
and don’t appreciate the greatness of the American system.
The rate of out-of-wedlock births for United States-born mothers exceeds the rate for foreign-born moms, 42 percent to 33 percent.
A study by the Cato Institute notes that nonimmigrants are incarcerated at nearly twice
the rate of illegal immigrants, and at more than three times the rate of legal ones.
announced that even DACA remains under review — another cruel twist for young immigrants wondering if they’ll
be sent back to “home” countries they hardly ever knew, and whose language they might barely even speak.
Nonimmigrants start businesses at half the rate of immigrants,
and accounted for fewer than half the companies started in Silicon Valley between 1995 and 2005.
The decision would have reversed one of Donald Trump’s ugly campaign threats to deport these
kids, whose only crime was to have been brought to the United States by their parents.
Just 17 percent of the finalists in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search — often called
the “Junior Nobel Prize” — were the children of United States-born parents.

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