President Trump appears to be promoting a controversial theory that there is a “deep state” in the government trying to work against his administration.
President Trump appears to be promoting a controversial theory that there is a “deep state” in the government trying to work against his administration.
He retweeted a message by Fox News host Sean Hannity on Friday which stated that “#Hannity Starts in 30 minutes with @newtgingrich and my monologue on the Deep State’s allies in the media.”
In that show’s opening monologue, Hannity said, “This deep state--this fourth branch of government, as we’re calling it--doesn’t care about getting the truth to you, the American people. And of course, the media--they’re the willing accomplices...They are selectively leaking...intelligence information that is meant to damage, in this case, the President of the United States of America...”
Hannity added, “What’s worse is the growing targets for the deep state. They’ve been successful in totally slowing down the president’s agenda...Now so far, they haven’t been able to stop him which means the deep state is now going after anyone who’s even close to the president including his family and White House advisers...”
He then said, “The deep state now plans to create as much collateral damage as possible, targeting everyone and everyone from the President straight on down.”
According to a New York Times report from February, deep states, as seen in countries like Egypt and Turkey, are “shadowy networks within government bureaucracies [that] undermine and coerce elected governments.”
The idea that such an apparatus exists in the U.S. began gaining traction fairly early on in the administration and has continued to persist based, in part, on the amount of leaks being made to the media.
The White House has since given some credence to the idea, with press secretary Sean Spicer telling reporters in March, “I think that there’s no question when you have eight years of one party in office that there are people who stay in government who are affiliated with, joined, and continue to espouse the agenda of the previous administration.”