Hydraulic Cold Billet Shearing Machine

2017-06-19 1

Cold Hydraulic Billet Shear are used for cutting M.S. Billets to size before rolling.

Hydraulic Billet shears have various advantages over conventional gas cutting, saws and mechanical shears.

Hydraulic Billet shears eliminate burning/cutting loss with results in substantial savings approximately 3 to 5 percent depending upon the size of billet to be cut.

There is no need of maintaining inventory of cut billets since the billets can be cut and rolled almost the time. No oxidation loss or loss in the form of chips. Hydraulic shears are faster than the saw; it does not require regular blade change. The cost of hydraulic billet shears is also low.

Manufactured by M/s First House Hydraulics
25 A, Bhanpuri Industrial Area,
Raipur - 493 221 (C.G.) India
PH: +91 771 4090025, 4090558
Mobile No. +91 98274 79797
Email: firsthousehydraulics@gmail.com