Trump urged unity and stated Scalise 'took a bullet for us'

2017-06-16 5

On Friday, Trump gave a speech in Miami of his new policy on Cuba and mentioned how important unity is in the wake of left House Majority Whip Steve Scalise's shooting. "My dear friend Steve Scalise took a bullet for all of us. And because of him and the tremendous pain and suffering he's now enduring — he's having a hard time, far worse than anybody thought — our country will perhaps become closer, more unified. So important," Scalise and five other victims were shot during a practice for the Congressional Baseball Game in Alexandra, VA. According to The Hill, he is doing better after multiple surgeries but must stay at MedSatr Washington Hospital "for some time." 66-year-old James Hodgkinson was later identified as the shooter. He was a part of the Bernie Sanders campaign and known as a critic of Trump and Republicans. He was shot by law enforcement officials at the scene and later died of his injuries.