5 Common Myths About IVF - In-vitro Fertilization

2017-06-15 6

http://www.careivfkolkata.com/ - There are some myths on IVF (In-vitro fertilization) which are unrealistic and you must aware of them.

IVF is never successful at first attempt: It is first myth and not true as IVF is found 40% successful at the very first attempt.

IVF requires complete bed rest: IVF does not require 9 months bed rest. After it is done you can go for outing, dinner, movie, holidays. You can even join gym after consulting with your doctor.

IVF Baby is not yours: Third myth as IVF babies are completely yours genetically as sperms and ovums are collected from your husband and you respectively. If donor sperm or egg is needed, then still the baby is 50% yours genetically.

IVF Babies have health issues: It is very wrong. If Pre-genetic screening (PGS) and Pre-genetic diagnosis (PGD) are done in proper manner, we can cure the genetic disorders.

Patients will never get pregnancy: There are crore of patients who got their first baby through IVF , which changes something in their body to have next baby completely naturally.
So, all the five points are actually myths. IVF is very safe process if it is done under best IVF clinic or fertility clinic in Kolkata. Neither IVF causes any problem to the mother or lady who undergoes IVF, nor it causes any harm to the baby.