The Avionics Industry Seems Hopeful About The Future Opinions! We love them... especially when they come from folks with something interesting to say! Aero-TV engaged in one of its favorite exercises during the 2008 AEA Annual Convention... that of surveying a dozen or so people at an event with three questions targeted toward the interest group that we're shooting... So, we came up with three good questions for the thousands of folks who populated this year's convention... finishing with an intriguing topic for attendees of April's AEA 2008 Convention... "What Got YOUR Attention This Year?" We think you'll get a kick out of what they had to say. The Annual gathering of the truly 'uber-professional' folks who populate the ultra-high-tech avionics business was a great success this year -- with outstanding attendance, accomplishments and achievements to be boasted about for years to come. These are interesting people... and they belong to an equally interesting organization. Founded in 1957, the Aircraft Electronics Association (AEA) represents more than 1,300 aviation businesses, including repair stations that specialize in maintenance, repair and installation of avionics and electronic systems in general aviation aircraft. AEA membership also includes instruments facilities, manufacturers of avionics equipment, instrument manufacturers, airframe manufacturers, test equipment manufacturers, major distributors, and educational institutions. AEA tells ANN that their mission is to be a worldwide, self-sustaining organization committed to enhancing the profitability of its members by... providing effective leadership to its members, facilitating the communications between members and with their various constituent groups, encouraging members to establish quality processes, furthering the education of its members and their various constituent groups, influencing the applicable legislative and regulatory processes. Among those attending are a number of different types of ...