Prayer for Lovers Be Free of Regret or Guilt, Find Happiness Forever

2017-06-14 6

: I ask the Universe, in its power, for all people in love be free of all guilt, free of all regret, free of all things unhappy, now and forever. To all people who awake to dance, strangers and friends, to my family, and lovers everywhere. This is a message of thanks to the Universe, and a prayer that all people in love find what they seek. My wanderings through different places, cultures, religions, and romantic partners have made me realize that I once had something that everyone is looking for, yet few really find in a lifetime. The one person I was born to love without reservation. This person, born in China, who like me had a happy childhood and was cared for by loving parents. This person who could do anything, even what seems impossible. A person that the Universe brought little miracles for. This person inspired me to be called the Best Man in the World by some. This person made me happy enough to make many others happy. This person made strangers say to me that I have the happiest job in the world. This person was the world's best girlfriend. Thank you, Easter Shi, Cici Xie, Cece Shi, and whatever your real name is, it doesn't matter anymore. Blessings to all lovers wherever you may be. -Bobby