Syrian Army Claims Advances in Western Raqqa

2017-06-14 18

The Syrian army on June 13 claimed sudden advances along the western edge of Raqqa. This comes as Islamic State fighters are reportedly retreating from Raqqa amid the US-backed Syrian Defense Forces battle to re-capture the city.

This footage, released by a Hezbollah-affiliated and pro-government media channel, claims to show regime forces fighting the Islamic State in west Raqqa. The media channel also reported the regime has re-taken the neighborhoods of Rajm Askar, Bir Inbaj, Zahar Um Baj, Jab Aziz, Jab al-Ghanem, Abu Sousa and Jab Abyad. Storyful cannot independently verify this claim.

Reuters reported: “The area between Ithriya and Tabqa, west of Islamic State’s de facto Syrian capital Raqqa, is important for the army since it can be used to attack government-held towns and supply routes.” Credit: War Media Room via Storyful