Shakespeare in the Park Sponsors Withdraw From Trump-Like ‘Julius Caesar’ -
New York’s Public Theater lost financial support from two high-profile corporate donors, Delta Air Lines
and Bank of America, on Sunday amid intense criticism of its production of Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar,” which depicts the assassination of a Trump-like Roman ruler.
“We have notified them of our decision to end our sponsorship as the official airline of the Public Theater effective immediately.”
Bank of America followed hours later, saying it would withdraw financial support from the production of “Julius Caesar”
but would not end its financial relationship with the theater, which a bank spokeswoman, Susan Atran, said had lasted for 11 years.
“No matter what your political stance may be, the graphic staging of ‘Julius Caesar’ at this summer’s free Shakespeare
in the Park does not reflect Delta Air Lines’ values,” Delta said in a statement on Sunday night.