Reince Priebus, the chief of staff whose job insecurity has been the subject of endless speculation, outdid them all, telling the president —

2017-06-13 0

Reince Priebus, the chief of staff whose job insecurity has been the subject of endless speculation, outdid them all, telling the president —
and the assembled news cameras — “We thank you for the opportunity and the blessing to serve your agenda.”
So it went on Monday in the Cabinet Room of the White House, as Mr. Trump transformed a routine meeting of senior
members of his government into a mood-boosting, ego-stroking display of support for himself and his agenda.
Trump’s Cabinet, With a Prod, Extols the ‘Blessing’ of Serving Him -
Members of President Trump’s cabinet paid tribute to him, one by one, during a cabinet meeting on Monday.
One by one, they said their names and — as if working to outdo one another — paid homage
to Mr. Trump, describing how honored they were to serve in his administration.
Ben Carson, the housing secretary, called it “a great honor” to work for Mr. Trump, while Mr.
Perdue offered congratulations for “the men and women you have gathered around this table.”
Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, told Mr. Trump, “It was a great honor traveling with you around the country for the last year,
and an even greater honor to be here serving on your cabinet.”
A few cabinet members diverged from the apparent script.
WASHINGTON — One by one, they praised President Trump, taking turns complimenting his integrity, his message, his strength, his policies.