Kvinde med tidligere livmoderhalskræft (uden reel viden om kræft eller vacciner) anbefaler HPV-vaccinen

2017-06-13 2

(Sendt d. 3. april 2017 i Go' morgen Danmark) Medvirkende: Birgitte Klintskov Jerkel (sundhedsordfører, Konservative) og Pernille Maria Jensen (kontorassistent).

Stakkels kvinde bliver brugt i kampen om at få solgt flere vacciner, der ser ud til at skade flere end hjælper. Desuden indser hun ikke at et sund livstil er det bedste værn for at undgå komplikationer af HPV-smitte udvikler sig til celleforandringer af forstadier til kræft.

Reel viden om kræft:
• The Truth About Cancer https://youtube.com/thetruthaboutcancer/videos | https://thetruthaboutcancer.com
• The Quest for The Cures Continues http://cancertutor.com/cancer-documentary | http://isohunt.to/torrent_details/13507492
• The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest http://cancertutor.com/global-cancer-documentary | http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/12614915
• Cancer - The Forbidden Cures http://youtube.com/watch?v=gWLrfNJICeM
• Alt. Cancer & Detox Therapies http://archive.dailypaul.com/226732
• "Sadly, clinical trials in oncology have the highest failure rate compared with other therapeutic areas." http://nature.com/nature/journal/v483/n7391/full/483531a.html
• 29 percent of cancer studies report conflict of interest http://uofmhealth.org/news/1147cancer-studies-report-conflict-of-interest
• In cancer science, many "discoveries" don't hold up http://reuters.com/article/2012/03/28/us-science-cancer-idUSBRE82R12P20120328
• One Of The Most Important Scientists In The World: “Most Cancer Research Is Largely A Fraud” http://collective-evolution.com/2015/05/11/one-of-the-most-important-scientists-in-the-world-most-cancer-research-is-largely-a-fraud

Reel viden om vacciner:
• Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History https://amzn.com/1480216895 | http://dissolvingillusions.com
• Miller's Review of Critical Vaccine Studies: 400 Important Scientific Papers Summarized for Parents and Researchers https://amzn.com/188121740X
• Books by year http://whale.to/vaccines/books.html#Books_by_year_from_present_day_
• The Vaccination Racket http://whale.to/vaccines.html
• Vaccine Safety Conference https://youtube.com/VaccineSafetyConf
• Dr Bernadine Healy CBS 2008 vaccin autisme https://youtu.be/De7DCpcyQfY
• Vaccine Papers, Part 1A: Immune Activation and Autism http://vaccinepapers.org/part-1-immune-activation-autism
• Healthy User Bias: The Fatal Flaw in Vaccine Safety Research http://vaccinepapers.org/healthy-user-bias-why-most-vaccine-safety-studies-are-wrong
• What the News Isn’t Saying About Vaccine-Autism Studies https://sharylattkisson.com/what-the-news-isnt-saying-about-vaccine-autism-studies
• Dr. Suzanne Humphries https://youtube.com/channel/UCCqmzJIoo52a7bqxCuuZSIw
• Canal2ndOpinion https://youtube.com/Canal2ndOpinion/search?query=vaccine
• Dr. John Bergman https://youtube.com/johnbchiro/search?query=vaccines
• Experimental Vaccines https://youtube.com/ExperimentalVaccines/videos
• AutismOne Media https://youtube.com/autismonemedia/playlists

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