Trump Says He’s Exceeded All Presidents’ Early-Term Accomplishments, FDR Excluded

2017-06-12 13

President Trump met with his cabinet on Monday and took a moment to reflect upon the accomplishments he’s made thus far.

President Trump met with his cabinet on Monday and took a moment to reflect upon the accomplishments he’s made thus far.
He told the group and the reporters in attendance, “Never has there been a president…who has passed more legislation, who’s done more things than what we’ve done,” noting Franklin D. Roosevelt as an exception to the statement. 
The assertion has been met with some scrutiny, as the Trump administration has yet to get any of its major initiatives, such as healthcare, infrastructure, and tax reform, through the House and the Senate.
Further, as noted by Politico, “Harry Truman passed 55 bills within his first 100 days, and according to the White House website, Trump has only signed 48 so far on his 142nd day. Many of the bills Trump has signed, such as designating buildings and appointing board members to the Smithsonian, do not have a major, direct impact on Americans, and Trump's ambitious legislative agenda…” 
Trump did give some acknowledgment to the lack of significant legislature, commenting, “If we had the greatest bill in the history of the world, we wouldn’t get one vote from the Democrats. That’s their game. They’re obstructionist, and that’s sad.”