Vape Expo 2017 Birmingham NEC - Vaping Event Review & Thoughts & Feelings!

2017-06-10 8

Vape Expo 2017 Birmingham NEC - Vaping Event Review & Thoughts & Feelings! Vape Expo 2017 at the birmingham NEC was an amazing vaping event. So todays video is just a review and overview of my thoughts and feelings of the vape expo 2017. We attended the vape expo 2017 B2B day on the friday and it was a fantastic day out at one of the best vape expo vape events in the UK. The event was full of e juice sellers and companies. Vape Expo this year was massive with so many stalls and things to see. If you are a vaper in the UK i would highly recommend you go and check it out next time its on, i will be attending other vape shows and events across the uk over the coming year so hope to see some of you guys there!

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