Eric Trump Characterizes President’s Critics As ‘Not Even People’

2017-06-07 3

Eric Trump appeared on Sean Hannity’s Fox News program Tuesday and shared his thoughts on people who criticize his father.

President Trump's son Eric Trump appeared on Sean Hannity’s Fox News program Tuesday and shared his thoughts on people who criticize his father. He also commented on morality in the U.S. at large and the Democratic Party in particular. 
On the topic of those airing grievances about the president, Trump said, “I’ve never seen hatred like this. I mean, to me, they’re not even people.” 
He continued, “It's so, so sad. I mean morality is just gone...morals have just gone out the window. We deserve so much better than this as a country.” 
Soon after, Trump shared his take on the Democratic Party. 
While doing so, he called Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez “a total wackjob,” and said Democrats “have no message of their own.” 
Trump also came to his father’s defense during a recent ABC News interview. In speaking about the Russian investigation, Trump called the probe, “the greatest hoax of all time, “ and said, “I was there throughout the campaign. We have no dealings in Russia. We have no projects in Russia. We have nothing to do with Russia."

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