Rickenbacker 4003 vs 4003SW...what's the difference?

2017-06-07 58

Check out both of these bass guitars at PMT Online:

Rickenbacker 4003S Walnut - https://www.pmtonline.co.uk/rickenbacker-4003s-bass-guitar-walnut

Rickenbacker 4003 - https://www.pmtonline.co.uk/rickenbacker-4003-stereo-bass-guitar-ruby-red

In this video, Sam takes a very quick look at the main difference between the iconic Rickenbacker 4003 bass it's stripped down alternative, the 4003S...more specifically, the 4003S with a Walnut body.

Take a quick look and listen with PMTV and make sure to check one out at your local Professional Music Technology!

After a 2 year wait, they're finally back in stock. Be quick and grab yours now!

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