ABC News: Comey Will Not Say President Trump Obstructed Justice

2017-06-06 65

ABC News reported Tuesday, citing sources, that during his testimony, former FBI director James Comey "will stop short" of stating that President Trump obstructed justice.

Former FBI Director James Comey will reportedly not be telling lawmakers that President Trump tried to obstruct justice in the investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn. 
As an inside source said to ABC News about Comey, “He is not going to Congress to make accusations about the President’s intent, instead he’s there to share his concerns.”
But the network’s report goes on to say, based on a source close to Comey, that he “has told associates he will not corroborate Trump's claim that on three separate occasions Comey told the president he was not under investigation as part of the probe into Russian meddling in the U.S. election.” 
Trump had made this assertion in his letter firing Comey from the FBI on May 9, stating, in part, “...I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation…” 
ABC’s report goes on to say, based on associates’ accounts, that Comey also intends to tell lawmakers that regardless of the comments the president made to him, he “...believed strongly that if he did his job properly he could conduct the investigation in an honest way.” 
CNN notes that Comey’s testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday is expected to draw such a large audience that all three major networks--NBC, ABC, and CBS--have announced that they will broadcast the hearing live. 
It will be the first time the former FBI director will talk publicly about his interactions with Trump since he was fired.
However, Comey will likely decline to answer questions about the FBI’s ongoing efforts to determine if there were ties between Trump associates and Russia; according to the Los Angeles Times, “Whatever is left unsaid could give the senators — and the public — some clues about which topics [special counsel Robert] Mueller’s investigation is covering.” 
On Tuesday, Trump commented on Comey’s scheduled hearing by saying, “I wish him luck.”