Al Gore Criticizes Trump For Tweeting About London Mayor

2017-06-04 28

Al Gore shared his thoughts on President Trump's tweet in which he slammed London Mayor Sadiq Khan.

After the terror attack in London Saturday night, President Trump posted a series of tweets, including one in which he slammed London Mayor Sadiq Khan.
Trump said, "At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is 'no reason to be alarmed!'"
Former Vice President Al Gore criticized Trump's tweet during an appearance on CNN, saying, “I actually happened to see the statement from the mayor of London and that’s not what I heard him say, and I don’t think that a major terrorist attack like this is the time to be divisive and to criticize a mayor who is trying to organize a city’s response to this attack."
Gore added, "Terrorists want us to live in a state of constant fear and having an effective response is the main thing and looks to me that the London police were there in 6 minutes."
Khan's office also issued a statement following the president's tweet.
"The Mayor is busy working with the police, emergency services, and the government to coordinate the response to this horrific and cowardly terrorist attack and provide leadership and reassurance to Londoners and visitors to our city," said the mayor's spokesperson. “He has more important things to do than respond to Donald Trump’s ill-informed tweet that deliberately takes out of context his remarks urging Londoners not to be alarmed when they saw more police—including armed officers—on the streets.”
The New York Times also noted that Trump "mischaracterized" the remark, "no reason to be alarmed," which was in connection with the increased police presence following the attack.
Khan has also said about the attack, "I am appalled and furious that these twisted and cowardly terrorists deliberately targeted innocent Londoners and visitors to our city who were just enjoying their Saturday night. I condemn these terrorists in the strongest possible terms. They are barbaric cowards and there is absolutely no justification for their evil and unforgivable actions."