Add Sampath Bank Sri Lanka Payment Gateway to a Shopify Store

2017-06-04 3

Learn How to Add a Sampath Bank Payment gateway to Your Shopify Store

Developed By Oganro

Sampath Bank Sri Lanka Payment Gateway for Shopify - Test Activation URL

Activation Username and Password
User Name – oganro
Password – Oganro-Sampath-Test

Setup Process?
1. Copy and paste oganro Sampath bank IPG activation link on to any internet browser
2. Login to your Shopify account through this page
3. Add Sampath PG to your Shopify store.
4. Once added, you need to add user name and password to activate
5. This can be done under “payment settings” through “Change Provider” option.
6. Select “Third party credit card provider”
7. Under Provider dropdown list – select “Sampath IPG” and continue
8. Enter your unique Username and Password to activate your Sampath payment Gateway (if you are installing test IPG, use test user name and password provided above)
9. When ready to go live, Oganro require below details to provide you with "Live User Name and Password" - Customer ID, Client ID, Authtoken, Hmac Secret and Store URL
Finally, you need to contact "Sampath Bank" to make your "Merchant Account" to "LIVE MODE".

Download full PDF document through below link.