Challenge: Let us Peel a Big Pineapple;Tasty, Juicy, Healthy Pineapple

2017-06-04 2

Pineapples, Ananas comosus, is one of the most intriguing fruit for me so I tried researching more about it. Wikipedia says that it originated in Brazil and spread to other parts of South America. It was first introduced in the Philippines by the Spaniards during Spanish Colonization.

Another source mentioned that this fruit was once an expensive fruit in some European countries during the olden times. Well, I can imagine how that is - a fruit all the way from a faraway country. It is said that during that time, only the elite eats it.

This fruit can be a great topic for homeschooling kids because of its unique plant structure; its unique fruit and the health benefits from it. Pineapples are rich in manganese and vitamin C. It is good for bone development, a strong antioxidant for those who want to stay pretty and young.