Arnold Schwarzenegger Leads the Charge Against Donald Trump

2017-06-02 45

Arnold Schwarzenegger is going after Donald Trump. Again.

The former governor of California tore into the President’s decision to pull the US out of the Paris climate change accord.

In a heartfelt video, the actor said one man cannot destroy our progress and one man can’t stop our clean energy revolution.

Arnold spoke directly to Trump, as a public servant, saying that it’s his responsibility as the president to protect the people.

His sentiments were echoed by a number of other celebs.

Katy Perry took to Twitter to vent her frustration.

JK Rowling posted a photo of a German newspaper, saying Earth to Trump.

Michael Moore wrote a scathing post, saying Trump committed a crime against of humanity, called him a predator that has now expanded his predatory acts to the entire planet.

Elon Musk wrote that he was quitting advising the White House, adding that leaving Paris is not good for America or the world.