Jackson 5 Performing I Am Love Live in Mexico 1975. Marlon Jackson singing lead

2017-06-01 40

Jackson 5 Performing I Am Love Live in Mexico 1975. Marlon Jackson singing lead vocals, Song originally song lead by Jermaine Jackson, When Jermaine did not renew his contract and stayed with Motown when the Jackson 5 was going to CBS Epic and became The Jacksons and Jermaine was replace by youngest Brother Randy, Marlon song all of Jermaine's leads that either Jermaine originally song lead on, or co lead with Michael. So see Marlon is also sick with the robot, Marlon was extremely good in street style dances such as Lockin' and Robottin, Popping, Woppin, Cabbage Patchin, one of the best cabbage patchers around. You see Marlon and Michael both do a little bit of robot on here.