No one likes to be treated unfairly. We all have our stories when we've suffered an injustice, from being kids in school to our adulthood. And it's no different when you're a trust beneficiary whose rights have been violated. Los Angeles estate and trust litigation is a challenging field where you'll need an attorney with experience and the right skills to safeguard your interests. At Hackard Law, we represent LA-area clients who have been frozen out of their inheritance - maybe a bad trustee has overstepped their bounds, or a wrongdoer has committed elder financial abuse. It's our job to prevent any further harm to our client and to right the wrong.
When potential clients call to speak with me, they've already been through a range of emotions. They're experiencing everything from grief at the loss of a loved one to anger and frustration that someone they may have trusted - whether a caregiver, a stepmother, or even a sibling - wrongfully took estate assets from the family...
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