Alcoholics and Drug Addicts Tinder for Trust Beneficiary Fights

2017-05-31 1

Dysfunctional families seem part and parcel of probate, estate, trust and elder financial abuse litigation. There's no getting around it. Marks of such dysfunction include the assignment of blame, threats of exile or abandonment, dominant and subservient relationships, grudges, disloyalty, winner/loser approaches to conflict and fear of loss. Family members with active addictions - alcoholics and drug (legal or illegal) addicts are common participants in the drama endemic to estate and trust lawsuits.
So what should you expect when a trustee, executor, heir, beneficiary or elder financial abuser has a destructive addiction? You can start by assuming that the addict is in denial over his or her addiction issues and wrongdoing stemming from the addiction. A cloud of rationalization surrounds the addict - chaos, unpredictable behavior, and bad conduct are explained away as the fault of others...

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