Logical Refutation of Atheism by Imam Al-Sadiq

2017-05-31 10

In this short lesson, our honourable Sheikh Mateen Charbonneau narrates a report of the sixth Imam of Ahlul-Bayt, Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq (peace be upon him), when he was encountered with an Atheist.

The universe could either have been created from nothing, have created itself, or have been created by a Creator (i.e. Almighty Allah). Since something cannot be created from nothing, this not only rules out the first option, but also necessitates (for the second option) that the universe must have already been in existence - in order for it to create itself. But why would it need to create itself, if it was already in existence? This leads to the only logical explanation: that the universe must have been created by a Creator.

Let us all ensure to take such examples, arguments and proofs from the 14 lights of existence, and fountains of knowledge - if we indeed claim to be the followers of the Ahlul-Bayt (peace be upon them).

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