What you don’t want to have happen is the selective release of videos to create a false narrative about what the police are doing.”

2017-05-31 3

What you don’t want to have happen is the selective release of videos to create a false narrative about what the police are doing.”
In Kansas, a state where most such videos are protected from release by public record requirements, Kris Kramer, the Topeka police chief, decided in early May to release a recording of one of his officers, Aaron Bulmer, jumping into a pond
and rescuing a child with autism who had wandered away from his father.
But just as ready as they are to show the positive video, they ought to be ready to release the video that doesn’t make them look good.”
Michael J. Chitwood, the sheriff of Volusia County, said he released every video
he could, both negative and positive, in the hope of gaining public trust.