As Gianforte moved on top of Jacobs, he began yelling something to the effect of, ‘I’m sick and tired of this!’ ”

2017-05-30 2

As Gianforte moved on top of Jacobs, he began yelling something to the effect of, ‘I’m sick and tired of this!’ ”
She added: “To be clear, at no point did any of us who witnessed this assault see Jacobs show any form of physical aggression toward Gianforte.”
In a statement, the local sheriff’s department “determined there was probable cause to issue a citation to
Greg Gianforte for misdemeanor assault.” Gianforte has to appear in court June 7 to answer the charge.
Donald Trump: The Gateway Degenerate -
Last week, when voters in Montana elected Greg Gianforte to fill the state’s lone seat in the House of Representatives, even after he
was recorded in a physical altercation with a reporter, many Americans — like me — were left to look on in astonished bewilderment.
When they allowed themselves to vote for a man who insulted Mexicans
and Muslims, who mocked a disabled reporter, who called for executing the Central Park Five and who had “a long history of racial bias at his family’s properties, in New York and beyond,” according to an extensive report by The Times, Republicans surrendered the mantle of morality.
But what would most Montana men do if ‘body slammed’ for no reason by another man?”
And: “Did anyone get his lunch money stolen today and then run to tell the recess monitor?”
Assault is not a game.