Massimo Savić-Iz daleka

2017-05-30 29

Nije važno gdje si sad
nije važno s kim si već
ja još uvijek imam za te jednu riječ

Meko ko kaplja kiše
tiho, od daha tiše
vrijeme će reći što ne mogu riječi
u srcu svom znaćeš sve

Izdaleka, izdaleka još te čuva ljubav neka
izdaleka, izdaleka ljubim te u mislima
prije buđenja i prije sna

Nije važno da znam
kako provodiš dan
uvijek bude sat kad misliš da si sam

Tad meko ko kaplja kiše
tiho, od daha tiše
vrijeme će reći što ne mogu riječi
u srcu svom znaćeš sve…

English Translation

From Afar

It doesn’t matter where you are now
it doesn’t matter who you are already with
I still have one word for you

Soft like raindrops
quiet, quieter than breath
time will tell what words can not
in your heart you will know everything

From afar, from afar love is still protecting you
From afar, from afar I kiss you in my thoughts
before awake and before dream

It doesn’t matter for me to know
how you spend your day
always comes a moment when you think you are alone

Then soft like raindrops
quiet, quieter than breath
time will tell what words can not
in your heart you will know everything…

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